Opening a Bed and Breakfast

To establish a Bed & Breakfast in Ireland you will have to comply with planning legislation, with regards fire safety and local building regulations. You will also have to be compliant with food legislation and health & safety regulations.


While you may not be physically altering your premises, you may be required to obtain planning permission to change the use of your property. To query about your individual circumstance contact your Local Authority.

Fáilte Ireland, under the Tourist Traffic Acts 1939-2003, has specific powers and functions in relation to the registration, approval and grading of tourist accommodation. They carry out this function by setting the requirements for the various categories of Bed and Breakfasts and through processes for the regular monitoring of the standards in all forms of approved accommodation.

Fáilte Ireland – Bed and Breakfast approval and classification requirements

Building Control Management System

Quality Assurance - Fáilte Ireland Trade Portal - Online application


Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 requires that all food businesses must be registered with the supervising competent authority; in the case of Bed and Breakfasts, this is done through the local environmental health office. Please find their contact details here. Food business can now be registered online through the HSE Environmental Health Service Online system.

Business owners are responsible for the safe handling, preparation and traceability of all food hygiene matters that relate to their business.

If you intend to serve alcohol as part of your Bed and Breakfast, you will need to obtain an appropriate licence from Revenue.

Further Information

Contact Information

Fáilte Ireland

Tel: 1890 697 000



The above is for general information purposes only. Further queries regarding this information should be directed to the competent authorities listed.