
Competent Authority

The National Parks and Wildlife Service is responsible for the inspection and licensing of zoos in Ireland.


Licensing Procedures

Service providers must hold a zoo licence to provide services in Ireland. The licensing procedure involves the completion of a form (available at the link below), which includes an inventory of animal stock, a statement in relation to conservation measures at the proposed zoo and an account of staff training.

There is currently no licence fee to cover the costs associated with the inspection and licensing processes.

Zoo Licensing - Application Link


Applicable Law

The European Communities (Licensing and Inspection of Zoos) Regulations 2003 [S. I. No 440 of 2003] transposes into Irish law Council Directive 1999/22/EC of 29 March 1999 (relating to the keeping of wild animals in zoos, including aquaria and any significant collection of animals that is open to the public for seven days or more in a year).


Further Information

Irish Standards of Modern Zoo Practice (Publication)


Contact Information

Email: zoos@npws.gov.ie



Information correct at time of publishing, please contact the competent authority for further information.